This evening I managed to cross the finish line for yet another year of NaNoWriMo. Given the recent events at work I wasn’t sure I’d have the energy or ambition to complete NaNo this year. But I did! My grand total is 50 664 words. The novel isn’t finished yet and I’m not sure it ever will be. I found myself yawning as I wrote it and I’m not sure if that’s an indicator of how good it is or just a reflection of my general mental state due to work. 😀

Oh and here’s our house with Christmas lights. It’s also snowing a bit too (which started after this was taken).

Christmas Lights


  1. Another NaNoWriMo in the books. This one felt different. It was less crazy, and more of a steady march. I think that might have had to do with things being calm at my work, so I wasn’t quite so drained in the evenings. As usual, the process was full of surprises, with characters coming to the fore, and doing things you didn’t think they would. I’m sorry that it’s coming to an end, but we’ve got to get ready for Christmas.
    I’ve ended my November typing on a cliffhanger of sorts, so I know where to pick it up in April when Camp NaNoWriMo happens.

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