Trampolines and Cake

Today Ian went to Ethan’s (a friend) birthday party at Flying Squirrel (Trampoline Park). He was there from 10:30 to 1:00 and had plenty of fun aside from falling on his face (He’s fine). They had pizza and ice-cream cake while Mom and I were down at Tim Hortons having a cheese croissant and a drink (French Vanilla/Coffee).

Dad left for his Sunday ride with the club after he finished unwrapping presents with coffee in-hand. He got a framed picture (Of him and Ian), quite a few books, and some flavoured decaf coffee.

While Ian was at the trampoline park Mom and I made our way down to the mall to kill some time. It was still under construction so there weren’t many stores besides Walmart and a few restaurants. First we headed to Timmy’s where Mom worked on a test for her students while I read my manga. After she finished we walked over to Walmart where we got some stuff for supper. We ended up getting some clothes for me too.

When we returned I had a piece of cake while Ian and his friends continued jumping. After talking to Ethan’s parents about school quality and playdates we left.

We made a few short trips to the library and Chapters on our way home. When we got home we prepared to Skype Baba and Grandpa but apparently that didn’t happen until Dad and I returned from Walmart. We had gone out to grab some groceries that weren’t at the other Walmart, grab some liquor, and to see if the optometrist was open (Wasn’t).

When we got home we talked to Baba and Grandpa for a while then Dad and I watched some more LotR until supper was done. We had homemade pizza and a delicious, lemon sponge cake for dessert.


Lemon, Sponge Cake.



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