Crazy Smoky Summer Coming to an End

2017’s summer in Calgary will be the summer of smoke. It has been dry and hot, with only two thunderstorms that I can recall. Yesterday was over 30 degrees again. I imagine that we might be close to a record for number of days over 30 this year. Combined with the sun, you’d think that I’d be in cycling heaven. But before vacation and especially since we have returned from the coast, the air quality has been horrible. Last night was the worst: after dark, you could look out at the streetlights and see cones of smoke under them. The warnings from Environment Canada aren’t dire, but you have to wonder if there is a health risk associated with extended strenuous exercise in it.

Hazy Calgary

Last summer it was so wet and stormy, it took three months to finish the deck. This year the lawns are parched.

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