I’m having some breakfast in my room at the West Harvest Inn in Regina. Getting ready to start day 2 of this trip to the prairies. So far, so good. In fact, it would be just fine if I didn’t have another project which is short on time for a firm deadline back at home. But as it is, my e-911 project is behind schedule and I’m filling in my evenings with working on that project. Oh well.

The weather here is a bit more prairie-typical this time. Warm, and threatening thunderstorms. It’s supposed to get up to 32 sometime this week. I need to ask the folks I’m working for if it’s okay to wear shorts on really hot days. I wouldn’t want to walk for a half hour in 32 degrees and black jeans. 🙂

I’ve managed to talk to home over Skype in the evenings. Having the Skype client for my iPod Touch is awesome. It uses the hotel’s WiFi Internet access to make Internet phone calls. I can wander around with my headphones on and talk to both Miranda and Tammy at the same time. It would be nice to have support for video chat, but there are limits what you can ask a music player to do, right?


  1. It sounds like you are extremely busy with work but your cousin my sister Vicki and my dad’s aunt live in Regina so if you want here is a number306-522-5521. Sister works through the day but the aunt Betty is retired and at home. See if she even remembers your family?

  2. Thanks for the tip, Shelley! I didn’t know I had any relatives here in Regina. To be honest, I don’t have much time: I’m working all day and every evening. I’m going to be returning here at least another four times before the end of the year. Maybe later trips will be less hectic.

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