The Plague Strikes Again

As I write this, Ian and Tammy are on the mend from a round of the ‘flu, while Miranda and I are as yet untouched. Ian’s health practically collapsed after Miranda’s gym birthday party and he suffered from a runny nose, fever, sore throat, headache and aches. Given his history of being quick to tears, we noticed his weepiness but didn’t really think much of it, until Tammy went down on the 7th. Then she had the same symptoms and was also reduced to tears repeatedly. It was that bad.

So I’ve been on edge for days now, wondering when and if Miranda and I would succumb. Nothing yet. Very strange, considering that I was the one to hold Ian and snuggle with him when it was bad.

Managed to drop off a birthday card to Mom yesterday. I was looking after the kids because Tammy was incapacitated. I gave the card to Dad at the door with instructions to microwave it before opening, just in case it was carrying the bugs. 🙂


Miranda has succumbed. I’m last man standing.


  1. Enjoyed the birthday card and the phone call! Thanks you know I like a laugh!
    Sorry all the rest of the family is down with the rotten flu. I do hope it passes you by. Fingers crossed.
    Thanks again! Love, Mom

  2. Tammy’s functional, if not 100%. Coughing. Ian seems to have moved into the coughing stage. His appetite is back as of this morning. Miranda seems to have not reached the low that Tammy and Ian did, but she’s definitely not well.

    I remain healthy.

  3. Ian’s still taking a long time to recover. All three are coughing.

    I continue my improbable streak of dodging the illness.

  4. And I must surely be out of the woods by now. I remain healthy and am feeling like myself again. There is a theory going around (at least in my mind) that I caught it and managed to fight it off. I say this in part because there were a number of days that I would feel some symptoms like I was coming down with it, but they would dissipate. I held off on my riding, but my first day back on the bike (Friday after work) I was winded well in excess of what I should have been. Saturday was better, and this morning I was back in the groove. I guess we’ll never know.

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