I crashed on my bike this morning. It was eerily similar to the crash I experienced in early 2013. I was moving at a fair clip on a cool, wet morning and rode over a wooden bridge deck. The deck was a skating rink, and before I knew it, I was kissing asphalt.

This time, I was only a half kilometre from home. So once I collected myself, I only had a short ride home.

The damage:

  • Road rash on my left knee
  • Bruised ribs on my left side
  • Scratched up knuckles on my left hand
  • Sprained left hand

I’ve been icing the hand all day, but it’s swollen and bruised nicely. Sigh.


Today the bruising was worse. Additionally, I spoke with a coworker this afternoon who I had in the past broken his hand and not going to see the doctor. He ended up having to go and have his hand rebroken and then put under tension for three weeks because of the bad call.  That was enough to scare me to go see the doctor today. I managed to get an appointment at a clinic on fairly short notice and the doctor looked me over. There rib isn’t broken. The hand doesn’t appear to be broken, even though it is grossly swollen.  He gave me a tetanus shot just to be safe with the road rash. He also gave me a requisition form for the x-ray for the hand and wrist.  I went to the diagnostics place after supper tonight, and it was as dead as a door nail in there. I got right in and the x-ray done. If there is anything amiss in my wrist or hand I will hear about it soon enough.

Updated again

I’ve been to see my family doc, and the x-ray results indicate no broken bones. So I need to let the bruising and swelling dissipate. I think that the discomfort in the hand is getting less each day.


    1. They would have made the difference, but I might have taken them off already with the warm dry conditions we’ve been having. 😜

  1. Recovery is slow. My road rash is healing nicely thanks to Band Aid Advanced Healing Pads, but my rib is still painful and my hand is as well. I can make a fist, but I have very little strength in my grip. Tonight, on the trainer, I tried shifting my front derailleur, and that did not work at all. Very frustrating. I need to get that had back and working soon.

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