Well…I’m giving it a try again. I think this will be y third attempt at completing a NaNoWriMo in the summer. I’ve not yet been able to “win” one of these because I never seem to have enough time. Maybe this year will be different. So far I have 1,961 written. Only 48,039 left. πŸ˜†


  1. I am going to take advantage of Camp NaNoWriMo July 2016 to finish off my 2015 novel. I want to write a sequel this November, and I want to start it with a complete, edited draft of my 2015 novel “All Too Human” preceding it.

    So far, I’m doing well, although I find myself having to remind myself that I need to put aside typing time. I’m not used to the NaNoWriMo experience in summer.

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