Deck Washed, The Return of Piano Marvel

Call it an act of faith, but this morning, I did the chemical wash of the deck. I am going to try to let it dry for 24 hours and then start coating it. The weather forecast mentions a chance of a thunderstorm tonight, but it’s supposed to be nice tomorrow. Will it stay dry? Stay tuned! 📺

In other news, I have reactivated my Piano Marvel account and started picking up my piano practice. I started learning with Piano Marvel in May 2015, and was quite successful until I had a time and energy crunch earlier this year. I suspended my account then to save the $15/mo that I wasn’t using until I was ready to take it seriously again. That time is now, and this time I have done a subtle installation of the computer under the piano, so the only eyesore is the monitor perched on the piano. The keyboard and trackpad are wireless, so they aren’t bad.

Not an eyesore

I started on the “Technique” section, which I didn’t even touch the last time around: ear training and sight reading exercises. I also backtracked in the “Method” section. I was partway through Method 4-E when I suspended my account. Now I am working on 3-B. I backtracked to 3-A, and set about acing each lesson (100% accuracy). So now I have a starred gold trophy for 3-A. Let’s see if I can get a few more starred ones…

Piano Marvel trophy case
Piano Marvel trophy case


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