A Picture tells a story

Every picture tells a story, but this one tells three:

New iPhone in car in rain
New iPhone in car in rain

The first and most obvious is the new phone. Yesterday, Esri transitioned me from a personal iPhone 4 that they paid the bill for to a corporate iPhone 5 that they manage. Fair enough. I will have a fee from Rogers for the premature departure from my contract, but it should be less than the expense of having to buy a new phone for myself and now Esri’s paying for my data plan as well as the phone plan. The new phone is nice, too, but it needed a case. So thin and light, it was spooky to hold. I thought I’d drop it and smash it with my shaky hands.

The second story is that it’s raining. It’s been raining and raining and raining. I’ve wanted to mow the lawn/wash the car for weeks now but there hasn’t been a day that I’m available and it’s not soaking outside.

The third is that we’re all in the car, parked up Amethyst Way again. You can see a bit of Ian’s head in the mirror. Last night, the buyers of our house wanted to come and see the electrical stuff in the house. I presume that meant to see the circuit breakers and where the plugs are. They are planning renovations before they move in. It was a bit weird, but we acquiesced. Hope it is the last time. The home inspector comes on Monday morning. We don’t have to vacate the house for that.

Kids in the back seat
Kids in the back seat
Us in the front seat
Us in the front seat