Simon’s First Piano Lesson, Site Down

Yes, the site was down for a while this evening. What started out as a “simple” upgrade of the operating system to 10.10 turned into a many-hour ordeal as I realized (yet again) that such things are never simple when dealing with a web server. I’ve got the ii News back up now, and I’ll put the rest of it back together tomorrow.

In the middle, I went to my first piano lesson. I had a 1/2 hour lesson with Amanda at Long and McQuade in Royal Oak. It went pretty well. I managed to show her what I know and she could see where my limits were. Believe me, they aren’t very far. So I have homework and I picked up a pack of music notation flash cards to drill with.

Further thoughts on my first lesson:

  • Playing in the lesson room (small) with a “real” piano without a volume knob is intimidating. Even a soft strike of a key seems pretty loud when you are starting out.
  • Amanda has a tremor in her hands as well, but that doesn’t stop her from being very proficient. That’s incredibly encouraging.
  • She seems to have picked up what it is I’m trying to accomplish, at least partly. She has assigned me some drills, but also the first 8 bars of a simplified version of Sleeping Beauty Waltz by Tchaikovsky, instead of Go Tell Aunt Rhody. 🙂