The Continuing Adventures of the Passive-Aggressive

As you may have guessed from the title, I’m still waiting on Kevin to do something contract-wise.  Le sigh. Accounting was back at work on Monday.  Yesterday he said they would talk to him today.  Today he was more concerned with staff non-payment issues in the US and he would talk to them tomorrow.  So, what will tomorrow bring?  According to him, things will happen.  What does that mean exactly?  I can only guess a low-ball offer with regards to my salary. In the past he has dragged his feet on money issues.  I haven’t even seen evidence of the amended contract yet. The going rate for AC is roughly $30 000/year.  I know for sure I won’t get that because I’m asking for reduced hours – 22.5 hours/week (the same as I would work as a teacher teaching 4.5 hours per day). I have it set in my mind the lowest amount I’m willing to accept – it’s based on what I would make as a teacher for the same 52 weeks at 22.5 hours per week.

It’s not that I’m itching to sign a contract; I’m happy to be paid what I am right now.  The contract will guarantee me better work hours which is good for the kids, but other than that it’s not too important.  The big issue is the others he’s holding up by waffling.  I’m supposed to be in either Victoria or Vancouver next week for training for this job.  I said to Kevin, and Briana – the person giving the training, that I won’t go until I’ve signed the contract.  Kevin’s holding up her and Simon (because he needs to know if he’s working from home for the 2 days I’m away).  His excuse is that Accounting refuses to make a decision. Maybe so, maybe not.  If it is that, then how the heck did this company manage to survive for so long with such wishy-washiness high up?

It’s difficult to be tactful with someone you would just rather smack, especially if that person is your boss.  I’m not looking forward to the amount I will see typed in the salary space.  If he says that’s the bottom line, do I say “no thank you” and walk out/quit? What’s the right way to go about this?


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