Well, Kevin and I finally came to an agreement.  Actually it was a funny day.  As usual he had been avoiding me until he couldn’t any longer.  Earlier in the day I had taped up a couple of pics of Miranda and Ian along my computer and on one of his pass-bys to somewhere else he commented that my son was a redhead.  I turned to him and said yes, and so am I. Then he blurted out as though he had had an epiphany: “Oh! So that’s the reason.”  Which I understood from his smile to mean: “So that’s the reason you’re unwilling to back down.”

Anyway, after much procrastination and making calls to everyone and sundry, he finally started the meeting at 2.30.  He came straight to the point, which is very unlike him, and said GEOS would pay me $24 050.  To be truthful my lowest amount I mentioned yesterday was $23 400, so I was pretty close. Then he proceeded to tell me how Accounting had arrived at that amount. I shuffled through a few of my papers, fiddled with the calculator, before he said something to the effect of what are you thinking.  I said how about 25 000.  He countered that he wasn’t into bartering and Accounting had given him a range, but if I wanted to push it to $25 500 it could be done.  I said okay, $26 000.

I know it’s not a a huge amount, but considering I’ll work 27.5 hours/week for                   $26 000/year and normally the salary is 40 hours/week for $30 000/year this deal isn’t bad. Plus I’ll get an extra week off, unpaid, in August, the non-competition clause reduced from 2 years to 1, and I only have to teach 1 class instead of 2 per week.  It’s a small victory, but it showed Kevin I’m not one to back down easily.

So, now I have to make travel plans to go to Victoria next week for training.


  1. Well done, Tammy. I think that this will be the right work/life balance, and sustainable. Now you can look forward to your first business trip on Monday night! 🙂

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