Attack of the 10 year old girls

It’s Miranda’s birthday party/sleepover tonight. Four of the five girls have arrived and are… energetic. More bulletins later.


Things are winding down now. Miranda, Sierra, Echo, Emilie, Marin and Ian are in the bonus room, watching The Princess Bride.

Ready for the movie
Ready for the movie

Since they got here, they’ve been playing some sort of mix of tag and hide-and-seek, with breaks for dinner, cake and presents.

Cutting the cake
Cutting the cake

For the first, I baked four 8″ rounds, and we froze the second pair for today. So it was a peanut butter cake, but instead of the peanut butter cream in the middle, this time it was chocolate frosting, with broken Reese’s Pieces in the middle, and a peanut butter ganache over the top. It was pretty darn good, actually.

Peanut butter cup cake
Peanut butter cup cake

The main event was supposed to be stop-motion video, but they didn’t get past the “making things with Play-Doh” step tonight. Maybe tomorrow after breakfast.

Play-doh in the craft room
Play-doh in the craft room


  1. They never got around to doing the stop-motion animation. The group was more about running around and playing games than sitting down and doing something quiet. Totally not Miranda. She’s the quiet one in the bunch.

    Oh well.

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