Miranda’s First Date

Oh, I know… is it a “real” date at age eleven? Whatever you want to call it, Miranda was asked to the Jelly Bean Dance at the Silver Springs Community Centre tonight.

Elijah and Miranda
Elijah and Miranda

She went last summer with her friend Sierra, who was there tonight as well. Her other friends Chloe, Maeron, Gordon and Russell were there, too. She looked very pretty in the dragonfly-print dress that Tammy made for her. She had fun and… had a slow dance with Elijah. I’m not sure at this point if it was because she wanted a slow dance, or if it was because they were offered a coupon for a free Froster from Mac’s if they took part. 🙂


  1. Elijah is Miranda’s Magic the Gathering and Battleships game partner at school. Neeeerd! Simon’s genes have been successful in creating a new generation of the nerd herd. 😀 We’ll have to wait and see about the geek squad.

  2. Today was the first day for us to get back on iiNews and the first time we see Miranda out on a date…how cool is that!

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