Forty-two. What Do You Get When You Multiply Six By Nine?


It’s how old I am today. And at the moment I’m feeling every kilometre on the odometer. It’s been a slog getting the bonus room finished. There was no break today: we went out this morning to Home Depot and Ikea to get some blinds and some shelves, but we were back at it at noon and called it a day at 7:30. But it’s done. Just building some shelves and putting stuff on shelves and putting the TV back together tomorrow.

It feels good. But let’s back up a bit. The day started with a pancake breakfast made by Tammy and presents and cards. It was snowing outside. It melted almost right away, but it was enough to convince me not to go to the cycle club ride today.

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There was lots of love from everybody, even the cats.

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I got my presents, a couple of pairs of jeans, a new swimsuit, a set of impressionist painting prints and a new bike helmet.

New helmet. Faster already!
New helmet. Faster already!

Ikea was busy, considering we got there right after opening. Here are the kids in Poรคng chairs.


Had calls from Mom and Dad (both in the car on the way to Home Depot and FaceTime later) and from Stephanie, Zachary and Brianna. It was great to “see” everyone on my birthday. Can’t wait until we see them for real in the summer.

Today’s work list:

  1. Set up saws (mitre and scroll) in the bonus room.
  2. Cut trim for the hall.
  3. Install the trim.
  4. Tape, caulk.
  5. Install blinds.
  6. Install drapes.
  7. Paint trim around door frames in the hall.
  8. Start moving stuff back into the bonus room.

Here is the completed hallway.



You can tell Squeak is thrilled. ๐Ÿ˜€ The blinds and drapes really change the feel of the room.



The blinds really cut out the light. Now no more excuses for not being able to watch TV in the bonus room when it’s sunny out.




  1. Looks great dear. A birthday to remember! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, again. We enjoyed the face time too. Nice to see everyone and not have to imagine them as we speak! The kids are really growing up fast! Enjoy the Monday off! Love from Mom and Dad. xxxx

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