First Day at 2 Schools

Today was the first day of school for both Miranda and Ian.
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It’s also the first time they’ve been to two separate schools. Miranda’s school day is 8.30-3.00 and Ian’s is 9.00-3.45. She’ll even get in some babysitting time this school year because of the many early dismissals (12.00 for him and 12.30 for her). They average about 2 per month. 😕
First today we went to Twelve Mile Coulee, Miranda’s school, for 8.15. There were a lot of people there standing at their particular grade signs. At about 8.30 Miranda’s teacher, Mrs. Varner, appeared and all her students signed in. Ian and I left at that point. We had to get him to his bus stop.
The bus was on time! Yay! If you recall we had a devil of a time with buses last year. We’ll see how it goes for the rest of the week. Even though the bus seems to be punctual, we have another “problem”. It picks him up at 8.44!? I’m supposed to start work at 9.00. Yeah…I’m not leaving him at the stop for 1/2 hour and we can’t have Miranda wait with him because she’s already in school. I’ll have to approach my boss and see if I can make the 9.30-3.00 schedule I’ve been following over the summer a permanent thing. Next week, and for however long the weather cooperates, Ian will ride his bike to school and the time won’t be an issue.
Anyway, Ian made it to Tuscany School and found his teacher, Miss Chen. He seemed to have had a good day. 🙂 Miranda has already made a few friends. She got her school supplies (a binder, some notebooks, a pencil case filled with tools, and a sketch book). Within a few days she’ll have a gym strip too (picture to come). The form is supposed to be coming home tomorrow. She is also trying out for the Junior Girls Volleyball team tomorrow at 7.15am and the track’n’Field team Tuesday at 3.15pm.
Overall it sounds like everything went smoothly. Let’s hope it continues all year long.


  1. Sounds like a hectic going ons. First days were always the most interesting, seeing if there was somebody you knew from last year. They look happy! Grandpa

    1. They seem to be adjusting well. No issues so far. The bus has been regular, which is a relief for Tammy and I. Ian will be able to ride to school, but the cold weather this morning is a reminder that bicycle season is starting to draw to a close here.

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