Roof is Finished

The weather has gotten warmer, and with it the roofers returned. They started on Friday, and worked all day Saturday and today.

Saturday roofing

Today we went to Nakiska, and they were working on the roof when we got back. They finished up just before five. No pictures from Nakiska this time. I forgot to take my phone with me. We had a good time, though. I was feeling really confident with my turns.


They will be back tomorrow to clean up, and hopefully our driveway will be our own.

On a different note, it worked out that Tammy and I went to work together on Friday, had lunch at the Pita Basket together, and even came home together. I took this picture of us when we met at the bridge over the Bow River, before we walked to Safeway in Sunnyside before heading home on the train.

It’s warm enough to not wear a touque!


  1. You both look well, roof is done, yeah!!! Weather looks good!
    Our snow is gone, yeah!!! Sun is shining!

  2. With all the banging and crashing on the roof, poor Squeak was so jumpy by Sunday afternoon. For two days, she was staying near whoever was around instead of sleeping on the bed or wherever.

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