Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

Welcome to April! Sunshine, birds tweeting, leaves sprouting… uh… what?


In other news, Steven and Krisztina and their girls were over last night for dinner. It was a nice time and the kids all played well together. Both Anniko and Bella didn’t want to leave and were looking forward to seeing Miranda and Ian again. We had sloppy Joes with home-cut fries and coleslaw. I was hoping that the weather would be nice enough to barbeque, but it wasn’t. And now snow today.

Yesterday, I went for a bike ride through Scenic Acres, Silver Springs, Bowmont, Bowness and back up into Tuscany. I was trying out a new set of contact lenses with my new prescription. I was hoping that the prescription would give me a clearer view of things further away, and they did, but not to the degree that I was hoping.

Camp NaNoWriMo has kicked off for me. I am hoping to finish my 2016 novel this April.


Here is a photo of the snow at its peak before it started melting away.


  1. Well you don’t have to think about doing stuff outside. Just a few flakes to celebrate the end of your vacation…..

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