iPad Drawing

One of my birthday gifts this year was an Apple Pencil. It is a pressure-sensitive, angle-sensitive stylus that works with the iPad Pro. I wanted to get one, but they are expensive. There were two reasons I wanted one:

  1. For taking handwritten notes at work (easy to interleave notes and sketches in OneNote)
  2. For drawing and sketching.

I had tried both of these with a “dumb” stylus with my old iPad 4 and I wasn’t happy with the results. Last night, I was relaxing on the couch and I decided I would experiment with the Pencil in Apple’s Notes app. Notes is a simple app, but it has native support for the Pencil. I happened to be staring at the lamp, so I drew that.

The lamp

It’s not great art, but I’m pretty happy with the result. I like it when I make time for art. I love my pastels, but it’s easier to start sketching on the iPad and makes less mess. 🙂

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