Mark the Date: Unpacked the China

The bone china has seen the light of day for the first time since it got packed and will see use for the first time since… Christmas 2010?

The kids and the unpacked china

I’m not sure exactly who mentioned it first, but the idea got floated that we could use the china at Thanksgiving dinner tonight. I didn’t realize that there were three 2x2x2 boxes down there all marked “china”, or I might have had second thoughts. The kids and I worked at it. The dinner plates were at the bottom of the last box, of course. It will be nice to actually use the dishes.

The china has been “homeless” since we gave the china cabinet to Tammy’s friend Trish in 2011. It was part of a larger purging of the old furniture. At the time, Tammy was turning the dining room into the classroom for home schooling, and we put the whiteboard where the china cabinet had been since we moved in. Now it’s sitting downstairs, and perhaps we will get a cabinet to put it in.

The turkey’s in the oven and all the side dishes are either cooked or ready to be. Tammy made pumpkin pies this morning.


Happy Thanksgiving!

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