Weather, if you’re going to be this nice…

… I’m going riding. I needed to go out to the mall to do some targeted Christmas shopping, but I really didn’t feel like fighting for a parking space. I asked Tammy if she would just drop me off, and she suggested that I ride my bike.

So I did. I had to dismount three times due to compacted snow that had turned into ice, but other than that it was clear sailing. I was a little nervous about the cars in the mall parking lot, but I escaped unscathed.

Club ride tomorrow. December 10th…


The nice weather keeps me rolling. Seven of us made the Sunday Bow Cyclist ride on the 10th, and it was gorgeous.

Yours truly

I’m not going to be over the top and claim it’s summer-like, but considering it really should be snowy and icy, this seems like a gift.

And today (the 11th) I rode to work. In the dark coming and going, but I have lights. Based on the forecast, I should be able to tomorrow as well. After that, I have to travel for work on Wednesday and Thursday. Who knows what Friday will bring?


December 12th: rode to work. 10 degrees in the morning.


December 15th: rode to work. Might be the last, if the forecast is accurate.


Aaaand… yet another Sunday ride! 48 km inner city loop on road bikes on December 17th.

Paul, Tommy, me, Phil, Mark, Conrad, Colette. Kurt took the pic.


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