Augh! I got a bee sting on my tongue riding home this afternoon. Hurts like bloody blue blazes.

Updated two days later

I figure now that the pain has subsided that I should put the full story here. What happened was simply a wasp flew into my mouth when I was riding here, along the river:

Link to map

I wasn’t hanging my mouth open, but I was breathing through it. It was one of those things were you see the bug when it’s about to make an impact but there’s nothing you can do about it. It went straight in, and I turned my head and spat it out as soon as I could, but not soon enough.

Immediately, I had a 4- or 5- scale pain in my tongue, but my concern was having an anaphylactic reaction when getting stung there. I called Tammy (still riding, didn’t actually come to a stop) and told her what happened. The pain wasn’t growing, and my tongue wasn’t swelling, so I kept on.

It was only after I got home and stopped exercising that the pain kicked it up to about a 7, where it stayed until about 8:30, when it dropped off. I took Benadryl, Advil and even tried ground turmeric paste on it, but all that fixed it was time.

When I rode through there the next day, I’ll be forgiven if I had my lips clamped shut.



  1. I couldn’t see one in there. He took a Benadryl and some Advil plus lots of ice chips. We’ll see how he feels tomorrow morning.

  2. My tongue is still tender this morning. My talking is only somewhat inhibited. The pain started abating about 8:30 last night, so my sleep wasn’t too disrupted.

    I’m pretty sure there is a Dr. Seuss story in there somewhere: “Simon and the bee-stung tongue!”

    1. `
      Very good! I’ve heard of “loose lips sink ships” but…..”open mouth invites a bee stung tongue!~” …..doesn’t really work!! —Hope you are feeling better. Mom

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