An Update on NaNoWriMo and Movember

We are over the halfway point of November 2014, so it’s time for an update on the annual events: NaNoWriMo and Movember.

NaNoWriMo has been a bit of an up and down experience this year. I started with one idea, but that fizzled out after only about four days of writing. I quickly shifted gears and suddenly transformed my novel into a different story, and then has been doing much better. The low point was my two nights in Medicine Hat, when I barely got three pages written over two days. Another low point came one evening when Miranda and I started having a really good father-daughter conversation. My entire writing time for the night got taken up with one of those conversations that when they start, you just have to finish them. While it was a low point for my writing, it was certainly worthwhile. But I have managed to catch up again, and that was going pretty well, until I had a medical problem.

The combination of typing a lot in the evenings, combined with having to type a long document for Medicine Hat at work, plus my daily piano practice seems to have aggravated my right wrist. So, I am dictating my NaNoWriMo now. I also am behind on my piano practice now. So here I sit, with my wrist on an ice pack and talking into the microphone to write this post. 🙂

Movember is also coming along, with a half month’s growth on my upper lip.


Something a little different this year.

One Comment

  1. Just getting to read your sight now [fri 21st]. sorry about your wrist, I hope it’s better by now. Your must ash is a different colour! MOM

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