New Glasses

Yesterday, my new glasses came in. So I got off the train at Crowfoot on the way home, walked to the optometrist’s and then walked to Denny’s where Tammy and the kids were waiting for supper.

These are both the most expensive pair of glasses I’ve ever had, and the weirdest. They aren’t really general-purpose glasses: they are designed for office and computer use. The lenses are progressive, but unlike normal progressive lenses where most of the lens area is “standard” for distance, these ones have most of their area optimized for computer screen reading. They also have a zone at the bottom for reading close up. Call them the Meeting, Mac, and iPhone distances. 🙂

Things I will never do with these on:

  • Ride a bike,
  • Play sports,
  • Go down long flights of tricky stairs.
Me at the office this morning
Me at the office this morning


  1. Glasses look good, Simon. Definately pat heed to the last “don’t” on that list. A tumble is all you need -NOT!!!! Don’t miss those special moments with the kids. MOM

    1. PAY HEED – I’m using 2 finger typing today because hands are numbish today. Not to worry, it’s an ongoing thing with the chemo – Audrey says it does improve some over time. MOM

  2. Yeah. My eyes have adjusted remarkably well, but still it’s the times when I quickly look down at my feet that I get screwed up. I have two older pairs of glasses for driving and sports, as well as a set of prescription sunglasses. These are for the office/computer time.

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