There’s a-doin’s a-transpirin’

It was a genuine Keanu Reeves moment.

I went out at 1 to pick up something to eat and I noticed a couple of police cars and a wagon on the street. I didn’t think to much of it because they’re always pulling over rummies or homeless, but when I rounded the corner there was another police car in the intersection with flashing lights and two SWAT officers with automatic weapons strapped across their chests were walking down the sidewalk.

I decided not to jaywalk at this point. 😀

Once I was in the restaurant paying two armed soldiers had been added to the presence. It turned out that our block, at least, had been cordoned off and was crawling with police and the Army. Some online chat sites said 4 blocks had been roped off and the train was disrupted.

There was nothing on the news or in the papers. No one seems to know anything about it. Was it an exercise? Were they after someone? It was weird and unsettling. This is Canada!


  1. I still have no idea what it was about. There was nothing on the news or on Twitter. I’m beginning to think it was an exercise to see if they could respond to a serious situation quickly and effectively (not sure why there of all places). There has been some serious gang-related activity lately. If anything makes it to the news I’ll be posting it.

  2. On the news scrolling across the bottom of the TV screen stated that an Indian lady and her two children had disappeared in down town Calgary. Possible that was it????Dad

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